Martin Family Reunion

by Belinda Brooks


Saturday, May 25, branches of the Martin family met to hold their annual Martin Family Reunion. The event was held at the Goldonna Town Hall. Special guests were Butte Indians of Bayou Bourbeaux Chief, Rodger Collum; his wife, Charlia Collum; and, Vice Chief, Belinda Brooks. A special meeting was held to discuss the history of Butte Tribe. Family members spoke of ancestors and times that have gone past. Fond memories were shared. Billy Martin told the story of a conversation that his father had with him when he was growing up. Billy’s father told him, “Son, if anything ever happens to the family after I pass away and we are in desperate need of help, go to Clarence Desadier. Should Clarence have passed and Rodger (Collum) have not come of age, go to Perry Desadier.” Billy said that their family always knew the line of family leadership. It was plainly stated publicly and known by all that Rodger had been raised by the elders to lead the family. And, what a fine job he has done! Stories of his protection of his family and family possessions of land and property are never ending. So proud of our CHIEF RODGER COLLUM who was chosen by the elders to serve his family, his tribe. Rodger has given untold hours of time, money and labor to help his family survive. He did it for love and not a title. Thanks, Rodger, for the burden that you have carried all these years. Your family loves and supports you. bb